Hamas police in Gaza

“The residents of Gaza are living under a terrorist regime, and the world is not lifting a finger.” So writes the Legal Forum for Israel to the U.S. Ambassador in Israel, regarding the Hamas executions of suspected collaborators in Gaza.

On Friday, Hamas executed some 18 men suspected of collaborating with Israel, in public “ceremonies” before hundreds of people. The Legal Forum’s letter to Ambassador Dan Shapiro requests that the U.S. “act and prevent murder and execution.”

“While we understand that these incidents are not dependent on the United States,” the Legal Forum writes, “the U.S  influence over members of Hamas, directly and indirectly, can be significant. We request that your government act to put an end to the wave of executions in Gaza.

“These are cases of arbitrary killings, incomprehensible attacks on human dignity and a terrible violation of human and civil rights,” the Forum states, and therefore concludes, “It is now clear that the residents of Gaza are living under a terrorist regime, and the world is not lifting a finger to stop the atrocities. I hope that your government, which acts for human rights and freedom, will see it fit to intervene on behalf of the innocent residents who are paying the price of living under this murderous terrorist regime.”

The Legal Forum for Israel, originally founded in 2004 to protect the rights of residents of Gush Katif and northern Samaria in the wake of the Disengagement, today engages in various aspects of legal activism on behalf of the Zionist enterprise in general. The Forum’s small legal and administrative staff is supported by an active volunteer membership numbering 350 legal professionals. The Forum drafts policy reports, lobbies Knesset Members, and appeals Supreme Court rulings.

via Rights Group Turns to US over Hamas Executions – Middle East – News – Arutz Sheva.