“Is to be “Socially Significant;Prophetically Relevant; Evangelistically Potent; and Spiritually Vibrant”
• Passionate in Evangelism
• Purposeful in Relationships
• Powerful in Growing Healthy Churches and Ministries
• Positioning to impact the Nations
1. Developing relationships among Ministers and Ministries Nationally and Internationally.
2. Providing a protective umbrella to cover those in the five-fold ministry.
3. Recognizing the autonomy of the Local Church.
4. Promoting unity and kingdom mentality among leaders within a network of regional relationships.
5. Embracing present truth to keep in step with those on the cutting edge in what God is doing.
6. Developing those in Ministry by exposing them to other five-fold Ministries so that Local Churches and Ministries can be enlarged in their vision.
7. Mobilizing the Church’s work force in their mandate, in passionate evangelism of winning the lost at all cost, Church planting, and social relevance.
8. Prophetically relevant to the Nation in applying Biblical principles to every aspect of life.
via Vision.